Wildrose & Ede

Zwinger vom Trocken Bach

1535 Havstad Dr, WA 99362 Mobile (509) 520-7483

Whelping Date – March 14, 2022
Pregnancy Confirmed
***80% Hege-Haus Breeding***

Wildrose vom Trocken Bach 0772/19
(Etzel vom Thüringer Zipfel x Maggie KS vom Trocken Bach)

Wildrose, February 2022

Derby Prize 1(DK Klub Schieswig-Holstein in Germany); Solms Prize 1 (DK Klub Schieswig-Holstein in Germany); VGP Prize 1 – 316 pts (Suchensieger DK Klub Schieswig-Holstein in Germany); H rtenachweis (HN); BTR; VBR; HD Frei A2, Fw: SG (j) at (DK Klub Schieswig-Holstein in Germany).

Wildrose is a very beautiful hündin with substance, great passion, and tremendous prey drive. Wildrose has a wonderful personality and is a great testing and hunting dog. She has proven to be very passionate and dependable in the field, water, and on the blood track. We look forward to many years of companionship and hunting with her.

Wildrose, Germany, December 2021

Thorsten Bäte, Wildrose’s German Leader stated, “Wildrose is a very good trainable dog. Her cooperation, use of nose, great pointing desire, coupled with her tremendous passion, makes her a hunting companion to rely on. In addition to her beauty her kindness with people and other dogs is noticeable immediately. She gets along with everyone, dogs and people alike.

Wildrose is the daughter of:
Maggie KS vom Trocken Bach 0139/14
(Darwin KS vom Hege-Hof x Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach)

Maggie V1 at Kleemann Zuchschau, 2018

Derby Prize 1(j) (Walla Walla at 6 months), Derby Prize 1(Switzerland), Derby Prize 1 (Zuchensieger DK Klub Südbaden), Solms Prize 1 (Prüfungssieger DK Klub Südbaden), VGP 1 – 324 Points (Prüfungssieger DK Klub Südbaden), BTR, VBR, HN, HD Frei A2,
Fw: V1 in 2016 at Südbaden, V1 in 2018 at Westfalen. Maggie was the V1 female at the 2018 Dr. Kleemann Prüfung from 72 females.

Maggie V1 at Kleemann Zuchtschau, 2018

Maggie had remarkable success in her education in Germany with Mr. Siegfried Hofstetter and Mr. Holger Hensel as her leaders. She completed the Derby, Solms, and VGP with Mr. Hofstetter before the age two years old. Maggie was successful at the 2018 Dr. Kleemann Prüfung with Mr. Holger Hensel receiving perfect scores and a 4h for the search behind the duck. In conformation classes Maggie was the V1 hündin at DK Klub Südbaden and DK Klub Westfalen. At the 2018 Dr. Kleemann Prüfung, Maggie was the V1 Female out of seventy females participating. Mr. Hofstetter, considered to be the best leader in Germany, has stated that Maggie is a very special hündin with tremendous drive and great potential.

Ede vom Ӓhrenfeld 0728/17
(Frisko Thüringer Zipfel x Nadja KS von der Donau-Wirbein)

Ede vom Ährenfeld

Derby Prize 1 (DK Klub Weser Ems), Solms Prize 1 (Pointing 4h, (DK Klub Westphalia), VGP 1 – 325 Points (JGV Klub Wittlage), IKP Prize 1 (Search 4h, overall evaluation of 215 dogs, 5th place, performance mark), Btr, Vbr, HN, HD Frei A2,
Fw: Sg1 (youth class DK Klub Westphalia), Sg1 (youth class DK Klub Weser Ems), V1 (adult class DK KlubWestphalia),
Ede was the V1 male at the 2019 IKP from 94 males.

Ede is a noble and strikingly good looking male. His presentence and majestic silhouette draw your eye to him immediately. When you have the opportunity to see him in the field you are equally impressed.

Ede had a very impressive education career in Germany with Holger Hensel as his owner/leader. Holger made the following observation about Ede, “Ede is a male with focus on the field and in the water work. I love his searching style with a high nose and the best protrusion, as well as his pronounced predatory game hardness. He has brought flawless puppies up to now, although he is not available for every bitch. The offspring in my kennel according to the management fully meet my expectations.”

We feel very fortunate to be able to breed to Ede, as Holger stated he has not been made available to outside females. Since 2016, with Darwin getting older, we have looked for a special male as replacement. It is our feeling that Ede maybe that special male. Until you see him in person you can’t appreciate his conformation or ability in the field and water. This is truly a special dog with a pedigree that can’t be matched.

For additional information on this breeding, contact Frank at 509-520-7483, email [email protected] or visit tbk-dk.com.