Zwinger vom Trocken Bach
1535 Havstad Dr, WA 99362 Phone (509) 520-7483 Fax (509) 529-6558
100% Hege-Haus Breeding
November 13, 2012
Atlanta KS vom Hege-Hof 0977/05
(Dagobert vom Hege-Haus x Rosemarie KS vom Hege-Haus)

Derby Prize 1(4h search), Solms Prize 1 (4h nose, 4h search, 4h water work with the live duck), VGP Prize 1 (334 pts – 4h search, 4h water work with the live duck, Winner of the Search at the Klub Rheinland VGP in Düboslar, Germany), IKP Prize 1(Claus Kiefer Award winner at the 2007 IKP – 4h nose, 4h pointing, 4h water work), 2008 Dr. Kleemann Prüfung KS (perfect scores with a 4h in the water search), HDO, HN, Fw: SG.

Atlanta has had remarkable success in her education in Germany with Mr. Klaus Bommers as the leader. She completed the Derby, Solms, and VGP by the age of 17 months. Her success at the 2007 IKP was unparalleled, receiving a perfect score and three 4h’s marking her the Claus Kiefer Award for the top dog at the examination ot of 198 entries from around the world. Atlanta shone at the 2008 Dr. Kleemann Prüfong receiving a perfect score and a 4h for her water search.
From Atlanta’s first letter born in 2009, she produced Bessi vom Trocken Bach Derby Prize 1, Solms Prize 1, VGP Prize 1 (336 Pts. Perfect score and Winner of the Search at the Klub Rheinland VGP in Düboslar, Germany), HD-frei A2, SG1 (Junior) Rheinland Zuchtschau, all by the age of 18 months. In the spring of 2011 Bessi received a form score of V4 Rheinland Zuchtschau in Düboslar, Germany, and passed the BTR, in September of 2012 Bess participated in the IKP receiving a Prize 1, she is a candidate for the Dr. Kleemann Prüfung this September; Boss vom Trocken Bach Derby Prize 1 and Solms Prize 1; Bo vom Trocken Bach Derby Prize 1. Atlanta’s second litter (Atlanta KS vom Hege-Hof x Quickstep vom Hege-Haus) is being tested this spring. To date Hanna vom Trocken Bach D1 in Baden Süd Germany, SG3; Holly vom Trocken Bach D1.
Darwin KS vom Hege-Hof 0540/08
(Baron vom Hege-Haus x Dolly KS vom Altenbruch)

D1, S1 (4h nose), S1, VGP1 (312 points/full points, 4h nose, 4h water search without a duck), KS (perfect score), BTR, VBR, HN, HD-A1, FW. V1 (5 x V1), 3 x CACIB, 2 x CAC, 3 x BOB (all by the age of 27 months of age).
In addition to his success in his education, Darwin has been unbelievably successful in Zuchtschau events. Lead by Birgitta Krause-Hofstetter (Mr. Hofstetter’s daughter) in less than two years Darwin has achieved:
Vielversprechend Jüngstenklasse, Stuttgart; Zuchtschau DK Südbaden sg.1.J; Ortenau-Jugend-Sieger V1, BOB, Anw. Dt. Jug. CH. VDH; Internationalen Rassehundeausstellung Offenberg V1, BOB, CACIB, Anw. DT.Ch. VDH, CAC, Rüde Gebrauchshundklasse (Titled Working Dogs);
DK-Zuchtschau Südbaden V1; Zuchtschau Klub Kurzhaar Kurmainz V2; Spezial-Zuchtschau DK-Saar/Südbaden und Südwest V1, CAC (DK), Anw. VDH, BOB; DK Zuchtschau Rheinland V1; 2010 Kleemann Zuchtschau V3
At the Dr. Kleemann Prüfung, Darwin’s leader (trainer) was Mr. Siegfried Hofstetter, considered to be one of if not the best leader in Germany. Darwin performed admirably under most difficult conditions. The first day Darwin’s group was assigned field work with winds of 30 – 40 mph survival was the word of the day. Darwin’s search was purposeful and productive. Using his outstanding nose he was able to locate and point game under conditions no hunter would endure. The next day was the water work. Darwin crossed the pond upon command without hesitation and searched thoroughly without the duck. He made short work of his live duck search and retrieved flawlessly. For his efforts Darwin received his KS.
The vom Trocken Bach “I” litter from the previous mating of Atlanta x Darwin produced the most uniform set of pups we have raised. They will be tested in 2013 and currently show great promise.
For additional information on these breedings, contact Frank at 509-520-7483 or email [email protected]