Zwinger vom Trocken Bach
1535 Havstad Dr, WA 99362 Phone (509) 520-7483 Fax (509) 529-6558
100% Hege-Haus Breeding
April 6, 2011
Atlanta KS vom Hege-Hof × Quickstep vom Hege-Haus
Atlanta KS vom Hege-Hof 0977/05

Dagobert vom Hege-Haus x Rosemarie KS vom Hege-Haus Derby Prize 1(4h search), Solms Prize 1 (4h nose, 4h search, 4h water work with the live duck), VGP Prize 1 (334 pts – 4h search, 4h water work with the live duck, Winner of the Search at the Klub Rheinland VGP in Düboslar, Germany), IKP Prize 1(Claus Kiefer Award winner at the 2007 IKP – 4h nose, 4h pointing, 4h water work), 2008 Dr. Kleemann Prüfung KS (perfect scores with a 4h in the water search), HDO, HN, Fw: SG.

Atlanta had remarkable success in here education in Germany with Mr. Klaus Bommers as the leader. She completed the Derby, Solms, and VGP by the age of 17 months. Her success at the 2007 IKP was unparalleled, receiving a perfect score and three 4h’s marking her the Claus Kiefer Award for the top dog at the examination out of 198 entries from around the world. Atlanta shone at the 2008 Dr. Kleemann Prüfung receiving a perfect score and a 4h for her water search.
From Atlanta’s only litter, born in 2009, she produced Bessi vom Trocken Bach Derby Prize 1, Solms Prize 1, VGP Prize 1 (336 Pts. Perfect score and Winner of the Search at the Klub Rheinland VGP in Düboslar, Germany), HD-frei A2, SG1 (Junior) Rheinland Zuchtschau, all by the age of 18 months; Boss vom Trocken Bach Derby Prize 1 and Solms Prize 1; Bo vom Trocken Bach Derby Prize 1.
Quickstep vom Hege-Haus 0084/02

(Yves KS vom Hege-Haus x Wildrose vom Hege-Haus) D1, SOLoE1, S1, VGP1, VBR, VBR-E, HDO, HN, IKP1, Fw: V5
Quickstep is a model specimen for his breed. His pedigree includes the KS champions Diamant vom Hege-Haus, Nougat vom Hege-Haus, Yard vom Hege-Haus, Kastor vom Hege-Haus, Mondlicht vom Hege-Haus, Firn vom Hege-Haus and KS Yves vom Hege-Haus.
Quickstep completed the International Kurzhaar-Prüfung with a perfect score with Mr. Siegfried Hofstetter as his leader. Quick was the V5 Rüden at the 2005 IKP. Quick was then taken to England and did not participate in the Kleemann. He is a strong hunter with intense game drive that is extremely easy to manage while covering open fields thoroughly. He has an excellent nose and a high and proud head carriage. Quick moves through the field with an easy gliding motion making his search look effortless as he manages the search. He is a very quiet and affectionate dog that is a pleasure to be around. This is a very proud and noble Rüden.
Quickstep is the sire of KS Conan Seehof the V5 dog at the 2008 Dr. Kleemann Prüfung. Conan is out of Charlott II vom Hege-Haus a littermate to Claudia. This is a proven cross of 100% Hege- Haus blood and we anticipate an outstanding litter.
For additional information on these breedings, contact Frank at 509-520-7483 or email [email protected]