Bessi KS vom Trocken Bach 0421/09
Eberhard vom Hege-Haus x Atlanta KS vom Hege-Hof

VJP 63pts. Derby Prize 1, Solms Prize 1, VGP Prize 1 (336 pts – 4h search, 4h Pointing, Winner of the Search at the Klub Rheinland VGP in Düboslar, Germany), VBR, BTR, IKP Prize 1 (133 pts), KS (perfect scores, Zuchtschau top 10), HDO A-2, HN, Fw: V4.
Bessi had an exceptional testing career in Germany. At every level she performed flawlessly. She completed the Derby, Solms, and VGP by the age of 20 months. As a two year old she completed the IKP and the following year she participated in the 2012 Dr. Kleemann Prüfung where she received perfect scores and the title KS. In the Kleemann Zuchtschau Bessi was evaluated in the Top 10.
During Bessi’s education in Germany her leader was Klaus Bommers. Mr. Bommers has lead DKs for over thirty years and was one of the primary leaders for Zwinger vom Hege-Haus for over twenty years. During his career Mr. Bommers has lead twenty dogs to the Dr. Kleemann Prüfung. Mr. Bommers has repeatedly stated that “Bessi is the best dog he has ever had.”

Bessi is the daughter of Atlanta vom Hege-Hof. Atlanta had remarkable success in her education in Germany with Mr. Klaus Bommers as the leader. She completed the Derby, Solms, and VGP by the age of 17 months. Her success at the 2007 IKP was unparalleled receiving a perfect score and three 4h’s marking her the Claus Kiefer Award winner for the top dog at the examination out of 198 entries from around the world. Atlanta shone again at the 2008 Dr. Kleemann Prüfung. Atlanta received perfect scores at the Kleemann with a 4h in the water search without the duck.
Eberhard vom Hege-Haus was a proto-type Hege-Haus male whose education career was cut short prior to the Kleemann due to family issues. Eberhard has sired many fine dogs in Germany including Ostara KS vom Hege-Haus considered by many to be the best Hege-Haus female left in Germany until her death in 2011.