Darwin KS vom Hege-Hof

DOB – February 9, 2008
Height – 66.5 cm Weight – 74 lbs.

Darwin KS vom Hege-Hof 0540/08
Baron vom Hege-Haus x Dolly KS vom Altenbruch

D1, S1 (4h nose), S1, VGP1 (312 points/full points, 4h nose, 4h water search without a duck), KS (perfect score), BTR, VBR, HN, HD-A1, FW. V1 (5 x V1), 3 x CACIB, 2 x CAC, 3 x BOB (all by the age of 27 months of age).

In addition to his success in his education, Darwin has been unbelievably successful in Zuchtschau events. Lead by Birgitta Krause-Hofstetter (Mr. Hofstetter’s daughter) in less than two years Darwin has achieved:

  • Vielversprechend Jüngstenklasse, Stuttgart
  • Zuchtschau DK Südbaden sg.1.J
  • Ortenau-Jugend-Sieger V1, BOB, Anw. Dt. Jug. CH. VDH
  • Internationalen Rassehundeausstellung Offenberg V1, BOB, CACIB, Anw. DT.Ch. VDH, CAC, Rüde Gebrauchshundklasse (Titled Working Dogs)
  • DK-Zuchtschau Südbaden V1
  • Zuchtschau Klub Kurzhaar Kurmainz V2
  • Spezial-Zuchtschau DK-Saar/Südbaden und Südwest V1, CAC (DK), Anw. VDH, BOB
  • DK Zuchtschau Rheinland V1
  • 2010 Kleemann Zuchtschau V3
Darwin & Mr. Hofstetter returning from the field after successful work at the Kleemann

At the Dr. Kleemann Prüfung, Darwin’s leader (trainer) was Mr. Siegfried Hofstetter, considered to be one of if not the best leader in Germany. Darwin performed admirably under most difficult conditions. The first day Darwin’s group was assigned field work with winds of 30 – 40 mph survival was the word of the day. Darwin’s search was purposeful and productive. Using his outstanding nose he was able to locate and point game under conditions no hunter would endure. The next day was the water work. Darwin crossed the pond upon command without hesitation and searched thoroughly without the duck. He made short work of his live duck search and retrieved flawlessly. For his efforts Darwin received his KS.

In the narrative for the sires page on the DKV web page Mr. Hofstetter writes (translated):
“Darwin is an intelligent and adaptable rüden, which knows to adjust itself into the hunting requirements. His good jump, with a fast rational search, that stands in the harmony with the nose quality and head bearing.

Darwin returning with the duck at the Kleemann

Also in the water, it shows hardness, endurance and the will to find. Darwin has achieved Nose 4h, search 4h, water 4h. Darwin has already some seeking on deer and black wild boar with success graduated, radiates is also there quiet from, and all around the type of a useful hound.“

Darwin is a regal male that is a pleasure to handle and hunt over. Armed with an outstanding nose and intense game drive Darwin will take you to the birds. In the kennel, auto, and house Darwin is very calm and well mannered. With other dogs Darwin is a perfect gentleman.

Darwin with Birgitta the first time I saw him at 12 weeks of age
Darwin at 8 months of age with Birgitta Krause-Hofstetter at the 2008 Special Zuchtschau in Stuttgart, Germany
Birgitta & Darwin at the 2010 Dr. Kleemann Confirmation Show where Darwin was the v3 Rüden